Environmental Systems, Inc. was recognized and honored on the 2021 Top Workplaces USA list (150-499 employees) by Energage, a purpose-driven organization that develops solutions to build and brand Top Workplaces. The national award program recognizes those organizations across the country that have exceeded key facets of workplace culture and prioritizing employees.
Over the past few months, thousands of organizations were surveyed to qualify for the 2021 Top Workplaces USA award. An elite group of nearly 600 organizations across four different size-bands were recognized for their role in making a better workplace.
Recipients of the inaugural 2021 Top Workplaces USA award were selected based on results from Energage’s anonymous, research-based employee engagement survey that is powered by findings from 14 years of data from over 20 million employees from 54 regional Top Workplace awards. Energage calculates employee feedback and results by comparing research-based statements, including 15 culture drivers that are proven to predict high performance against industry benchmarks.
“What better way to kick off this year than by celebrating those organizations that, through one of the most difficult years, continued to put their people first,” said Dan Kessler, president and COO of Energage. “2020 raised the bar across the board. Employees and customers are more selective than ever when it comes to who they work for and with. By expanding our regional Top Workplaces program to include a national award, we are giving organizations a way to show those stakeholders that the entire organization—from headquarters to regional offices—prioritize people and culture. That’s a powerful statement.”
In addition to being recognized on the Top Workplaces USA list, all participants qualify to be recognized in quarterly Culture Excellence and Industry awards throughout the year. Environmental Systems, Inc. was honored for the Clued In Leaders and Top Leaders award in January.
Energage supports Top Workplaces and related employer recognition programs in more than 50 markets nationwide in partnership with major media outlets such as The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The Dallas Morning News, Star Tribune, Las Vegas Business Press, The Arizona Republic and more.
For more information and the complete list of 2021 Top Workplaces USA recipients, click here.